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UL Emergence D-Jay

Tous les projets de recherche

Dimeric cyanine design triggering J-type aggregates for phototheranostics


L2CM (UMR 7053), Nancy : Y. Bernhard (Ass. Prof.), M2 Student (to be recruited).

J-type aggregates are intriguing supramolecular structures formed through the self-assembly of organic dye molecules in a slip-stack arrangement. However, their controlled construction remains a significant challenge, with the development of systematic and predictable approaches through dye design representing a demanding research frontier. This project proposes the use of pentamethine cyanine (Cy5) dimers as building blocks to specifically drive the formation of J-aggregates. This innovative strategy will be utilized to elaborate nanosized, near-infrared-absorbing, and photostable organic photothermal agents for photoacoustic imaging-guided photothermal therapy.