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Indocyanine green dimer as novel agent for photoacoustic guided photothermal therapy


L2CM (UMR 7053), Nancy : Y. Bernhard (Ass. Prof.), A. Pasc (Prof.), M. Frexes-Millard (Postdoc), A. Aguilera-Garrido (Postdoc), L. Picquoin (M2 student).

CRAN (UMR 7039) / ICL : H-P. Lassalle (Ass. Prof.), L. Bezdetnaya-Bolotine (Prof.).

Photothermal therapy (PTT) employing light-to-heat conversion agents (PTAs) is a promising approach which can offer substantial improvements compared to existing therapies. One of the key challenges to accelerate its clinical translation is to identify highly performing, biocompatible and stable PTAs. The ICG2 project targets an innovative PTAs design starting from the readily available and clinically approved dye Indocyanine green (ICG). The central concept of this project relies on a dual approach to strengthen the PTT and photo-accoustic (PAI) performances of ICG both at molecular scale via chemical transformation (dimerization) and at nanoscale via formulation (liposome).