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LUE ImmunoPass

Tous les projets de recherche

Modulating graft vs host response by T and Natural Killer cells photoimmunotherapy controlled by two-photons absorbing switches


Chemists : A. Pasc, Y. Bernhard and M. Mourer (L2CM)
Biologists : V. Décot (IMoPa)


Modulating graft vs host response by T and Natural Killer cells photoimmunotherapy controlled by two-photons absorbing switches

The immuno-PAS project aims to design and demonstrate the immunomodulatory properties of new ON/OFF photoresponsive molecular tools on T and NK cells, through serine/Tim-3 binding, targeting thus applications in GVHD and autoimmune diseases. To this aim, the effects of swPS will be evaluated on T and NK cells isolated from GVHD patients. The originality of this approach consists in using two-photon absorbing photoswitches that should allow a better spatial and temporal selectivity compared to UV-Vis chromophores reported to date, thanks to the irradiation at a focal point rather than in a plane. The decreased photobleaching, and therefore photodegradation, is another notable advantage of two-photon absorption, that should allow more precise phenotype analysis of cells.