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CDUL Nanolighters

Tous les projets de recherche

Adaptive photo-theranostic nanoparticles based on polymer fluorophore conjugates


L2CM (UMR 7053), Nancy : Y. Bernhard (Ass. Prof), A. Pasc (Prof.), C. Duranteau (PhD Student), A. Dhimen (M2-student), T. Benzid (M2-student).

The NANOLIGHTERS project aims to develop advanced fluorescent molecular thermometers based on polymer-dye conjugates for real-time temperature monitoring during photothermal therapy via fluorescence imaging. The proposed systems incorporate environment-sensitive fluorescent probes—such as polarity probes, viscosity probes, and aggregation-induced emission (AIE) probes—conjugated to thermoresponsive (LCST) polymers. The project will systematically evaluate key parameters to optimize the temperature-dependent fluorescence response, including the type of dye, polymer, and the position and mode of dye-to-polymer attachment.