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Tous les projets de recherche

Photocatalysts based on Earth-abundant metals: towards a sustainable production of solar hydrogen “SunHy”


L2CM (University of Lorraine): C. Cebrián (Assistant Professor), P.C. Gros (Research Directeur), E. Giannoudis (Post-doct).
IPCMS (University of Strasbourg): S. Haacke (Professor), A. Marquette (Research Engineer), PhD student 1.
UPB (University of Parderborn): M. Bauer (Professor), PhD student 2.
FUB (Free University Berlin): K. Heyne (Professor), J. L. Pérez Lustres (Research Associate), PhD student 3.

Photocatalysts based on Earth-abundant metals: towards a sustainable production of solar hydrogen “SunHy”

The SunHy project aims at developing efficient low-cost photoactive systems based on photocatalytic proton reduction by mimicking Nature’s approach in leaves. In particular, we target metalorganic photo-systems bearing only Earth-abundant elements such as iron and cobalt for light-harvesting and redox catalysis, respectively. While the proof-of-concept has been demonstrated, the catalytic properties are rather low. Therefore, the mains goals of this project are both understanding and improving the working principle of these photocatalysts.

The SunHy project will be developed within an ANR French-German consortium with complementary recognized expertise from chemical design and synthesis (L2CM, UPB) to characterization techniques, notably advanced ultrafast spectroscopies (UPCMS, UPB, FUB).