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Outils Moléculaires pour Imager des Complexes de Fe(II) et leur métabolisation / Molecular Tools to Image Fe(II) Complexes and their Metabolization)


L2CM :
M. BOUCHÉ (CR) principal investigator
P. C. GROS (DR) partner
S. PARANT (IE) photophysics
F. DUPIRE (IE) mass spectrometry
U. CARILLO (postdoc)

S. GRANDEMANGE (Pr) partner

Partner Institution:
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)

OMIC-Fe(II) : Outils Moléculaires pour Imager des Complexes de Fe(II) et leur métabolisation / Molecular Tools to Image Fe(II) Complexes and their Metabolization)

The biological activity of numerous metal complexes is tightly correlated to their stability or reactivity in living systems. Their susceptibility to bio-transformations must be screened early during drug development to orient drug design. The OMIC-Fe(II) project aims at developing innovative photoactive tools to simultaneously track the localization of a series of Fe(II)-based drug candidates, and image their bio-transformations, to understand the intricate relationship between their in cellulo fate and bioactivity.