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Phototheranostic crosslinked Micelles by Cyanine Dimerization


L2CM (UMR 7053), Nancy : Y. Bernhard (Ass. Prof), A. Pasc (Prof.), N. Canilho (Ass. Prof), S. Parant (Ing.), S. Lepré (PhD student), M2-student

CRAN (UMR 7039) / ICL : H-P. Lassalle (MCF)

Photothermal therapy (PTT) has gained increasing attention as a promising alternative to conventional therapeutic methods. This technique leverages molecules or nanoparticles capable of efficiently converting light into heat. Key challenges in this field include the development of fully organic agents with high biosafety, strong light absorption within the 700–900 nm biologically transparent window, and the ability to achieve an efficient PTT effect while enabling photoacoustic imaging (PAI)-guided strategies. The CD-Mix project aims to investigate the use of cyanine polymer-conjugates for the fabrication of core-cross-linked micelles though the self-assembly of conjugates followed by dimerization of cyanine dyes within micelles, ultimately facilitating image-guided PTT applications.