Mécanismes d’interaction avec le vivant


Host pathogen-interactions in the hotspot: immunovirology


Uncovering host-pathogen interactions is a crucial step in developing novel and effective antimicrobial therapies against existing and emerging virus and bacteria, in clinical or environmental conditions [1].

The research in L2CM’s MolSyBio axe (field Infectiology) seeks the discovery and the development of innovating antimicrobial treatments based upon natural and synthetic molecules as well as better understanding of the cell mechanisms underlying the host immune response against infections.



Special interest is given to translational fields such as the immunoinfectiology and immunovirology domains: the host-pathogen interactions in the regulation of immune responses, the molecular mechanisms of infectious diseases and the immunopathology of bacterial and viral infections, prior and post treatment [2].

Part of the research in this area of immunopathogenesis focuses on the antiviral activities and mechanisms of action of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). AMPs exert broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, and represent a promising class of antiviral agents [3]. The objective is to understand the mechanism of action of AMPs as they may have a dual role in antiviral defense, acting not only directly on the virion but also on the host cell.



[1] Sedji MI, Varbanov M, Meo M, Colin M, Mathieu L, Bertrand I. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2018 Oct;25(30):30497-30507.

[2] Grigorov B, Reungoat E, Gentil Dit Maurin A, Varbanov M, Blaising J, Michelet M, Manuel R, Parent R, Bartosch B, Zoulim F, Ruggiero F, Pécheur EI. Cell Microbiol. 2017 May;19(5).

[3] Huber A, Hajdu D, Bratschun-Khan D, Gáspári Z, Varbanov M, Philippot S, Fizil Á, Czajlik A, Kele Z, Sonderegger C, Galgóczy L, Bodor A, Marx F, Batta G. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 29;8(1):1751.


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