Production of green aromatics by catalytic deoxygenation of lignin pyrolysis vapours (2021-2025)

PYRODEOX (ANR PRC) focuses on the catalytic deoxygenation of lignin pyrolysis vapours to increase the production of aromatics. The project gathers 5 CNRS laboratories from three universities (Lille, Poitiers, Lorraine). A novel process will be developed by using a multi-scale approach: from ab-initio modelling at a molecular scale to the synthesis of tailored catalysts and the evaluation of the catalysts in representative process (on model molecules and on real lignin pyrolysis vapours). The newly designed catalysts include hierarchical porosity, oxophilic support (doping with ZrOx, AlOx) and isolated single atoms or nanoparticles of abundant transition metals. DFT study of the adsorption modes of oxygenated molecules and inhibitors will allow to rationalize catalytic phenomena. Using an Aspen Plus model, a Life Cycle Analysis will be carried out to evaluate the potential of the combined pyrolysis-HDO approach :

Partners :

UCCS, University of Lille : Sébastien ROYER (PR, coordinator), Jean-Philippe DACQUIN (MCF-HDR), Jérémy DHAINAUT (CR), PhD 1

L2CM, University of Lorraine : Andreea PASC (PR), Nadia CANILHO (MCF), PhD 1

LPCT, University of Lorraine : Michael BADAWI (MCF-HDR), Sébastien LEBEGUE (DR), Post-doc

IC2MP, University of Poitier : Frédéric RICHARD (MCF-HDR), Jean-Marc CLACENS (DR), PhD 2

LRGP, CNRS: Anthony DUFOUR (CR) Richard LAINE (IE-CNRS), Roda BOUNACEUR (IR-CNRS), Jean-François PORTHA (MCF), PhD 2

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