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3 publication(s) :


1 - 

., G. Csire, ., F. Dupire, ., L. Canabady-Rochelle, ., K. Selmeczi, ., L. Stefan, .
Gizella Csire, François Dupire, Laetitia Canabady-Rochelle, Katalin Selmeczi, Loïc Stefan. Bio-Inspired Casein-Derived Antioxidant Peptides Exhibiting a Dual Direct/Indirect Mode of Action. Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61 (4), pp.1941-1948.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03085
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2 - 

., A. Tarakemeh, ., M. Azizi, ., V. Rowshan, ., H. Salehi, ., R. Spina, ., F. Dupire, ., H. Arouie, ., D. Laurain-Mattar, .
Ameneh Tarakemeh, Majid Azizi, Vahid Rowshan, Hassan Salehi, Rosella SpinaIdentification of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids in bulbs and in vitro cultures in various species of Narcissus using GC-MS and LC-MS. Analytics 2022, Sep 2022, Nantes, France.
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3 - 

., R. Spina, ., A. Elmi, ., F. Mohamed Abdoul-Latif, ., F. Dupire, ., S. Philippot, ., M.-F. Champy, ., B. Petit-Demoulière, ., H. Jacobs, ., D. Laurain-Mattar, .
Rosella Spina, Abdirahman Elmi, Fatouma Mohamed Abdoul-Latif, François Dupire, Stéphanie PhilippotMolecular Networking-Based Approach of Aloe djiboutiensis, Antioxidant Activity and In Vivo Toxicity of This Endemic Species in Djibouti. Analytics 2022, Sep 2022, Nantes, France. 2022.
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