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6 publication(s) :


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., C. Colin, ., M. Meyer, ., C. Cerella, ., A. Kleinclauss, ., G. Monard, ., M. Boisbrun, ., M. Diederich, ., S. Flament, ., I. Grillier-Vuissoz, ., S. Kuntz, .
Christelle Colin, Maxime Meyer, Claudia Cerella, Alexandra Kleinclauss, Gérald MonardBiotinylation enhances the anticancer effects of 15d-PGJ2 against breast cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology, 2018, 52 (6), pp.1991-2000.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2018.4338
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., M. Meyer, ., S. Foulquier, ., F. Dupuis, ., S. Flament, ., L. Grimaud, ., D. Henrion, ., I. Lartaud, ., G. Monard, ., I. Grillier-Vuissoz, ., M. Boisbrun, .
Maxime Meyer, Sébastien Foulquier, François Dupuis, Stéphane Flament, Linda GrimaudSynthesis and evaluation of new designed multiple ligands directed towards both peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ and angiotensin II type 1 receptor. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 158, pp.334-352.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmech.2018.08.082
Pubmed : 30223121
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., C. Muller, ., S. Grandemange, ., J. Kluza, ., F. Bost, ., E. Piquard, ., E. de Fays, ., M. Boisbrun, ., S. Flament, ., S. Mazerbourg, .
Claire Muller, Stéphanie Grandemange, Jerome Kluza, Frédéric Bost, Eline PiquardA new derivative of troglitazone affects energy metabolism of triple negative breast cancer cells: potential interest for anticancer treatment. 11ème Forum du Cancéropôle Est, Nov 2018, Reims, France.
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., C. Muller, ., S. Grandemange, ., J. Kluza, ., F. Bost, ., E. Piquard, ., E. de Fays, ., M. Boisbrun, ., S. Flament, ., S. Mazerbourg, .
Claire Muller, Stéphanie Grandemange, Jerome Kluza, Frédéric Bost, Eline PiquardEnergy metabolism alteration and anticancer treatment: study of a troglitazone derivative in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Cancer and Metabolism 2018, Jun 2018, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
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., M. Geoffroy, ., A. Kleinclauss, ., M. Boisbrun, ., M. Lemesle, ., S. Flament, ., S. Kuntz, ., I. Grillier-Vuissoz, .
Marine Geoffroy, Alexandra Kleinclauss, Michel Boisbrun, Marine Lemesle, Stéphane FlamentModulation of claudin-1 expression by ∆2-TGZ in triple negative breast cancer cells is correlated to apoptosis. 20th World Congress of Senologic International Society on Breast HealthCare, Dec 2018, Strasbourg, France.


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., D. Dupommier, ., C. Muller, ., A. Bordessa, ., E. Piquard, ., M. Pawlak, ., F. Piquard, ., E. de Fays, ., S. Flament, ., C. Comoy, ., S. Mazerbourg, ., M. Boisbrun, .
Dorian Dupommier, Claire Muller, Andrea Bordessa, Eline Piquard, Manon PawlakSynthesis of new desulfured troglitazone derivatives with improved anti-proliferative activity. 17e Rencontres en Chimie Organique Biologique, RECOB17, Mar 2018, Aussois, France.


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