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2 publication(s) :


1 - 

., C. Collet, ., S. Schmitt, ., F. Maskali, ., A. Clément, ., F. Chrétien, ., G. Karcher, ., P.-Y. Marie, ., S. Poussier, ., S. Lamandé-Langle, .
Charlotte Collet, Sébastien Schmitt, Fatiha Maskali, Alexandra Clément, Françoise ChrétienSynthesis and preliminary in vivo evaluation of new [18F]fluoro-inositols as Positron Emission Tomography radiotracers. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 25 (20), pp.5603-5612.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmc.2017.08.035
Pubmed : 28893600
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., N. Pétry, ., T. Vucko, ., C. Collet, ., S. Lamandé-Langle, ., N. Pellegrini-Moïse, ., F. Chrétien, .
Nicolas Pétry, Timothé Vucko, Charlotte Collet, Sandrine Lamandé-Langle, Nadia Pellegrini-MoïseSynthesis and revised stereochemical assignment of C -allyl glucopyranosides and derivatives. Carbohydrate Research, 2017, 445, pp.61-64.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carres.2017.04.010
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